Want a new way to explore the internet and contribute important feedback? Learn here how you can get paid testing websites today.

Offering customers a seamless experience and an informative website is essential for success. Many companies and website owners accomplish this through testing and feedback – and you can be the person to provide this! If you’re already browsing the web, why not earn money by testing websites? Continue reading to learn more about how to get paid testing websites.

Why User Testing?

Let’s face it, there’s a lot of competition out there. So, having a user-friendly website is imperative. A site might have amazing content, but if customers face too many technical issues they will move on to another site faster than you can blink.

This is where  you can help – by exploring a website as a reader/consumer, you can provide honest feedback based on your experiences. Your insights and opinions can potentially help a business adapt and thrive.

What Exactly is User Testing?

In a nutshell, it is a job where you are paid to test website functions. Don’t worry, you do not need to be a tech expert, you are simply testing how user-friendly a website is from a customer’s perspective.

To get paid testing websites, all you need to do is visit specific domains, follow instructions based on your client and report your experience. Business clients will set tasks to test features and products with real users before exposing them to the general public. They may even test live systems and services to see how they can enhance the customer’s experience.

Tasks can cover a range of aspects:

  • Feedback on imagery, audio, video, links, content, navigation
  • Online application forms
  • Purchasing processes and platforms
  • Locating specific information
  • Overall website outlay and quality

Get Paid Testing Websites

How Do I Get Paid Testing Websites?

There are many businesses that offer these services. Depending on the user-testing company, you are either emailed job offers or you can access a job list on their platform. Usually, you will be screened to check that you qualify for a test before you can commence. This is because some website tests are looking for specific demographics or skillsets.

When you are accepted for a job, you are given access to the client’s website with a set of tasks. You simply perform these tasks, record your thoughts and feelings, answer some quick questions, and that’s it. Easy!

The tests are usually done on a computer, mobile, or both. Most companies advise their tests take between 10-25 minutes to complete.

Important to note: 

  • You do not have to pay to become a website user tester
  • You do not need to provide your personal information or credit card details during a test
  • You do not need to purchase any product or commit to any sign-ups during a test.

If a client wants you to test their online applications or product purchasing platform, they will provide you with dummy information to put in the personal contact and payment detail fields. Never use your own identity or personal payment information. 

How Much Do I Get Paid Testing Websites?

It is fun to get paid testing websites, but don’t go quitting your full-time job! User-testing is a simple side-gig you can add to your freelance kitty when you have some spare time.

On average, payment is $10 USD per task (which converts to more in Australian dollars). When your test response is approved, payment is generally made via PayPal within a 7-day period. I’ have never experienced any payment issues or delays.

User Testing Payments

What is Required?

To get paid testing websites, you will need to be:

  • familiar with the internet (navigating, clicking links, and an understanding of what a good website looks like)
  • able to speak clear English because your feedback is audibly recorded
  • have reliable internet access
  • have a computer (PC or Mac) with a microphone and webcam
  • have a quiet place to conduct a test with no noisy background.

Recording software is usually provided by the testing site. Some tests are for other devices, which you’ll need to download the appropriate app (iPhone, iPad, Android phone, or tablet).

Get Paid Testing Websites: Pros and Cons


Tasks are not difficult. Most sites pay a minimum of $10 USD per job for quick jobs. On average, they take me 10-15 minutes to complete. Time-wise, it’s more beneficial than surveys.

You can learn and sometimes test new products before they hit the shelf.


Lack of jobs. Due to a large number of users, if you don’t respond quickly to a job offer, it will close. And some sites have screening processes that you need to qualify for first. Your demographics can affect how many opportunities you receive.

10 Online Companies to Get Paid Testing Websites 

All these sites have the same basic requirements listed above.

1. UserZoom GO

Formally known as Validately. You are emailed job notifications, which you need to pass a quick screen test first. Then complete the tasks, record your thoughts aloud and answer some short questions. For PC tests you must use Google Chrome. They also provide tests for mobile apps.

Payment: Usually $10 via PayPal. They also have live-remote research sessions which can pay up to $100.

How to join: Free sign-up. Must be 18+ years, have a PayPal account, and provide basic demographic information.

2. Userlytics

Job notifications are emailed. You need to interact with a web or mobile app or view video commercials; speak your thoughts aloud, provide criticism or suggestions, and answer a few questions. Must download their Userlytics recorder.

Payment: Tests can vary from $5 -$20 or more. Payment via PayPal.

How to join: Free sign-up. Must be 16+ years.

3. IntelliZoom

Just register and answer 3 profile questions and you will be sent study opportunities via email. You usually need to do screen questions first. Studies typically take 15-20 minutes to complete. The number of opportunities will depend on your demographics and user rating.

Payment: Average is $10 per user testing video/audio, and average $2 for surveys. Test results will be reviewed within 3-5 days. Payment via PayPal within 21 business days.

How to join:
Free sign-up. Must be 18+ years. US citizens must be 21+ years. Must have a computer, tablet, or smartphone and download their software.

4. Userfeel

You need to complete an unpaid qualification test, recording your feedback on a microphone while completing tasks. This gives you a user rating that’ll determine how often you’re sent paid tests. When you are sent a test, you need to complete a screener first. Tests average 10-20 minutes, in your native language. If you speak other languages fluently, you can add that to your profile and be sent tests for them too.

Payment: $10 per test via PayPal or Amazon Gift Card. Payments are usually made one week after test approval.

How to join: Free sign-up. Age restrictions not specified.

5. BetaTesting

This site tests other websites, apps, and hardware, where you provide feedback and bug reports. The number of tests you receive depends on your interests, demographics, and the quality of your feedback history. You may be sent on average one test a week. Some of this site’s clients include Xerox, Typeform, and the New York Times.

Payment: Varies from $10-$20 per test. Payment via PayPal, 7 days after project.

How to join: Free sign-up. Must be 18+ years and speak fluent English.

Get Paid Testing Websites for User Experience and Functionality

6. uTest

When you’ve signed up, complete your profile and a joiner checklist. Then you can browse the project board for tests. Paid project opportunities are by invitation only. To increase your chances, you can do practice test cycles in the uTest academy (introduction to testing, computer testing, mobile testing, etc).

Payment: Varies, depending on test cycles, tasks, and your tester rating. You need to earn a $10 threshold to receive payment via PayPal or Payoneer.

How to join:
Free sign-up. Must be 18+ years.

7. Userbrain

Sign-up and complete a Qualification test. Once approved, you’ll be sent paid tests each week. You also need to download their Chrome extension or IOS app. Tests average between 5-15 minutes, however, this site doesn’t pay as well as others.

Payment: $3 per test. Once you’ve reached a $10 threshold you will be paid via PayPal, within 5-10 business days.

How to join: Free sign-up. Must be 18+ years. They’re currently looking for native English or German-speaking testers.

8. PingPong

This company takes testers from all over the world, speaking any language. Instead of video recordings, you do online video calls. A client will ask for certain criteria (e.g. demographic) and if you match, you’ll be sent an invitation date/time and interview instructions. You still need the usual equipment (webcam etc.) and use Chrome or Firefox. Their clients include Dropbox, Skyscanner, and Zapier.

Payment: Anywhere from 20-100 Euro between 30 and 60-minute interviews. Payment via PayPal or your bank account, within 7 business days.

How to join: Free sign-up. Must be 18+ years.

9. TestingTime

Founded in Switzerland. Once you’ve signed up, you answer some short questions to find test projects suited to you. When your profile fits a test, you’ll be sent a job project invitation via email. Answer the question and pick a time to complete the test. On the agreed day, you’ll need to do the test via skype. A moderator can guide you through each step. A typical study can take 30-90 minutes, though invites aren’t usually regular. Clients can include Trivago, Doodle, Zalando, and more.

Payment: Can earn up to 50 Euro, via PayPal or your bank account within 10 business days.

How to join:  Available in European regions. Must be punctual, reliable, and honest.

10. UserTesting

Log in to your dashboard to find tests. The list shows a brief description and whether the test is for PC/MAC or mobile. You can take a screener for any that you’re interested in. Since you’re not emailed, it’s best you leave your dashboard open (and minimised) throughout the day. You will hear a bell notification every time a new test becomes available. UserTesting also offers live conversation tests and Facebook community competitions. They claim to have clients such as Apple, Microsoft, eBay, Facebook, Evernote, Adobe, Yahoo, Dropbox, Twitter, and more.

Payment: Usually $10 for a 20-minute video, via PayPal. Or there are video conferencing opportunities, which can pay higher: $30 for 30 minutes, $60 for 60 minutes.

How to join: Free sign-up. Must be 18+ years, able to download testing software, and speak English.

Tips to Get Paid Testing Websites

Here are some helpful tips to give you every chance of success:

  • Sign up for many sites to increase your chances of landing jobs
  • Respond quickly so you don’t miss out
  • Do any sample testing to improve your chances of selection
  • Read the tasks properly and answer follow-up questions
  • Take the test in a quiet place with no background noise
  • Always provide your best work, being thorough and attentive. Clients rate testers and approve payment
  • Provide as detailed feedback as possible, speak clearly and voice your thoughts aloud
  • If you’re confused during your task, voice this as well. Clients need this feedback too.

Earn $$ Looking at Websites

It is super easy to get paid testing websites! It can be a rewarding way to earn a few extra dollars while providing valuable feedback to improve user experiences and functionality. With increasing competition and demand for user-friendly websites, there will always be a need for this type of task.

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  1. Personally I think this article is brilliant. I have looked at User Testing before as a means of potentially making money online but am put off by the lack of jobs. Having many website testing adds in one place is perfect for me as I can sign up to as many as possible and hopefully get more work. Thank you so much. 

  2. I absolutely love this post. Where have I been? I never knew you could earn money by testing websites. This sounds like a side-hustle I can do. It was helpful to have listed the pros and cons of being a user tester but I think like everything else, it is about working hard at it to be successful.

    I like that you have a list of the companies offering user testing and like you said signing up for many of these companies will help people get more jobs.

  3. Wow, I just search “how to make money online” on Google, and your article came out!

    Quite frankly, I’ve heard of online businesses like affiliate marketing, dropshipping, and Amazon FBA. But this is my first time to know about user-testing service.

    Your article really gives a lot of values, and I definitely give Validately a try!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

    I’ve a quick question for you, but it might be outside the topic but I hope you can answer my question:

    Do you think affiliate marketing or dropshipping is a better option to get started in 2020?

    And which training platform is the best for both online business?

  4. Hey nice article you have there. I have heard about getting paid by testing the accessibility of a website by newbie. I have not been able to ultilize this opportunity, because I don’t know how to go about it. Having stumbled into this article, I have been enlighten on the basic procees and companies that one could start with. Thanks for sharing this concise information


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